
When you feel like there’s no way out. Love is the only way.

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I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

I don't think that quote really suit my life. I mean think about it; Everything never did work for me. Even fake relationship failed me. It doesn't give me such a high hope. But to achieve what makes you feel happy is something I would want to own. I can't say I had never felt it but I could say I barely felt it. Seeing everyone frequently saying they're happy is just awkward for me. It is not something new; but seemingly awkward more.

Making people happy have been a part of my life; but seeing how I ended up.. I just gave up. I do things to make people satisfied so that I can get some good impression or maybe more love or cared? I don't think it's much to ask but people see it as a hard thing to give. But that's something easy for me. Little did I know my life will stay like this. I had grown up and everything change. All of the things that I used to questioned about is something I could answer right now.